一、 概述欢迎您使用丛云应用软件及服务。
二、 协议的范围本协议是您与氦氪科技之间关于您下载、安装、注册、使用、复制、分享本软件的应用,以及使用氦氪科技相关服务所订立的协议。
四、 用户信息
六、 软件的获取、安装和使用
1、 个人信息的收集和使用氦氪科技尊重并保护所有用户的个人隐私权.您注册的用户名电子邮件地址联系方式等法律法规规定的个人信息,非经您亲自许可或根据相关法律法规的强制性规定,氦氪科技不会主动地泄露给第三方。
2、 非个人信息的收集和使用“非个人信息”是指那些无法据其识别特定个人的信息。
3、 您在本软件中输入存储的信息及本软件收集的数据,您同意授权给氦氪科技用于为实现和改善平台服务及法律规定的合理范围内进行使用。氦氪科技可能会与合作伙伴共同向您提供您所要求的服务或者共同向您展示和提供您可能感兴趣的内容和服务。在信息为该项服务所必须的情况下,您同意氦氪科技可与其分享必要的信息,但以上分享不包含您的任何身份识别信息,且氦氪科技会要求其确保数据安全并且禁止用于任何其他用途,除此之外,氦氪科技不会向任何无关第三方提供或分享信息。
Software License Agreement
This Software License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") signed by you and Hekr Inc. .
Before using "Wisen" software (hereinafter referred to as licensed software), please read this Agreement carefully. Once you download and install the software license, you are agreeing to be bound by all the terms of this agreement and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, do not use the Licensed Software, and please destroy all copies of the software license.
Hekr Inc. reserves the right to amend this Agreement, and in Hekr Inc. official website (www.hekr.me) on publicity to notify you, without a separate notice to you. The revised agreement takes effect at the time of announcement. After modifying the terms of the agreement, you continue to use the licensed software, the agreement is deemed that you have read and accept the change.
You can only use the licensed software at Apple terminal. Without the prior written consent Hekr Inc. You may not license the software installed on the other terminal equipment, such devices include, but are not limited to desktop computers, laptop computers, Apple terminal outside of handheld mobile terminals, TV sets and set-top boxes.
You can for non-commercial purposes on an Apple terminal installation, licensing software, but you can not for the purpose of commercial operators to install, use, license to run the software, nor to license software or licensed software released during the operation at any Apple terminal data and interactive data licensed software running Apple's terminal and the server copy, change, modify, or create any derivative run mount works, forms include, but are not limited to the use of plug-ins, plug or an authorized third-party tools / services access licensed software and related systems.
Hekr Inc. may at any time decide to license the software and its related functions to change, upgrade, modify or transfer, and to develop new features or other services licensed software systems. Unless accompanied by a separate agreement, otherwise all of the above new features, provides software services still apply to this Agreement.
You need to rely on licensed software you download is completed and registered successfully, get account number and password to log licensed software, Hekr Inc. based only on your account number and password to confirm the identity of the use of licensed software. You should also keep your account number and password, and take responsibility for its own use or loss. If your account number and password to the presence of unauthorized use, or any other security problems occur, you should immediately notify Hekr Inc. . Hekr Inc. consequences arising due to the above scenario does not bear any responsibility.
Licensing software download from your own download platform made, you should comply with Apple's way to your use of the Licensed Software and limitations of the agreement, Apple confirmed once you breach the convention, Hekr Inc. the right to terminate your license.
Based on this agreement Hekr Inc. licensed, not sold to you license software, you can only use in accordance with the agreement of the Licensed Software. Hekr Inc. reserves all rights not expressly granted.
You may not use the licensed software in the following ways:
Engage in illegal laws, regulations and policies, undermine public order and morals, conduct damage the public interest.
Licensed software information without authorization rent, loan, copy, modify, link, reproduce, compile, publish, publishing, create mirror sites, with the licensing of software development relating to derivative products, works, services, plug-in, plug-compatible, interconnection.
Through non by Hekr Inc. and its affiliates develop, authorized or approved third-party compatible software, system access or use the Licensed Software, or the use of non Hekr Inc. and its affiliated companies develop, authorization or certification for licensed software plug-ins and plug . Its affiliated companies develop, authorized or certified plug and plug.
Delete licensed copies of software and other information about the copyright content. Modify, delete, or any technical measures to avoid the application of products for the protection of intellectual property Hekr Inc. settings.
Hekr Inc. without written permission from the licensed software lease, lend or sublicense to third parties, or after obtaining an upgraded version of the Licensed Software license to use, while the use of multiple versions of licensed version, or transfer separately .
Copy, disassemble, modify the Licensed Software or any part thereof or create derivative works.
Any hazard information network security behavior, including the use of licensed software in any way damaged or destroyed, or that it can not run licensed software or third party interference overload or use of the Licensed Software; unauthorized access someone else's computer system and deleted, modify, add to store information; deliberately spread malicious programs or viruses, and other damage, interfere with the normal behavior of network information services.
The use of licensed software released, transmit, distribute, store the contents of the legitimate rights of the infringement of intellectual property rights, trade secret rights, etc., or engage in fraud, theft of others' accounts, funds and other criminal activities.
By modifying or counterfeit licensed software running instructions, data, packet, additions, deletions, changes in function or operating results of the Licensed Software, and / or having the use of the software or operating through the dissemination of information to the public network.
Other in any unlawful manner, for any unlawful purpose or in any manner inconsistent with this Agreement, the use of licensed software.
You understand and agree that:
Hekr Inc. if you have the right to use the alleged breach of the specification made unilaterally recognized and identified based on the results of unilaterally suspend, terminate your license to use or take other restrictive measures that can be taken according to the contract, and without your consent or advance notice to you.
When you publish for alleged illegal use of licensed software or suspected violations of the legitimate rights of others or violate the agreement information, Hekr Inc. that give you the right to delete without notice.
For your alleged breach of the norms for the use of any third-party damage, and you shall bear its own name independent of all legal responsibilities, and should therefore ensure Hekr Inc. against loss or increased costs to produce.
If you are suspected of violating the law or the provisions of this Agreement, make Hekr Inc. suffer any loss, or by any third party claim, or punished in any administrative department, you should compensate the losses incurred Hekr Inc. and (or ) costs incurred, including reasonable attorneys' fees, costs of investigation and evidence collection.
License fee
Hekr Inc. will be based on the development of market and technology, to provide you with a variety of value-added services licensed software. To license software and / or value-added services, Hekr Inc. the right to collect license fees associated costs. Before you start charging, Hang Technology Co., Ltd. will notify the appropriate way to your specific charges, including but not limited to the official website of publicity in Hekr Inc. (www.hekr.me) on. You have the option to accept or reject the charges. If you choose to decline should immediately stop using the Licensed Software and / or value-added services, you continue to use the licensed software, you are deemed to agree to pay the associated costs.
You should follow Hekr Inc. in a manner acceptable to pay a licensing fee in full within the period Hekr Inc. notification. Late payment fee you pay licensing fees or insufficient, Hekr Inc. the right to terminate your software license, and shall recover losses and / or damages.
You notice before the free trial license software Hekr Inc., shall not be deemed to waive the right to Hekr Inc. charges. Fee Hekr Inc. reserves the right to notify you after.
Privacy Policy and Data
You agree that this Agreement within the meaning of personal privacy information are those able to effectively identify your identity or information related to your personal communications, including your name, ID number, phone number, IP address, etc., but for you to use Some reflected in Hekr Inc. server status information and the use of licensed software habits, was not among them.
Licensing software does not contain any damage you get your Apple terminal data and privacy malicious code, you use Apple terminal does not monitor the behavior or leakage of your privacy information.
For you to use licensed software provided by the formation of your privacy information, Hekr Inc. will be kept confidential. Except as otherwise agreed, Hekr Inc. will not be without notice to disclose your personal information online.
For the following purposes, you authorize Hekr Inc. disclose your personal information online:
Compliance with laws and regulations, or to comply with legal process judiciary Hekr Inc. required;
Protect and defend the legitimate rights and interests Hekr Inc. and its affiliated companies;
Protection Hekr Inc. and its affiliates or its users or the public's safety in case of emergency.
Upon termination of this Agreement, Hekr Inc. has the right to retain your information, but Hekr Inc. has no obligation to provide you with any form of such information.
Unsecured and Limitation of Liability
You expressly agree that you need to bear alone the entire risk of the use of licensed software produced.
Except as expressly provided in the laws and regulations, the licensed software "as is" and "available" state provides, Hekr Inc. to license the software does not make any express or implied, including, but not limited to, the applicability of the software license, no errors or oversight, continuity, accuracy, reliability, fitness for a particular purpose. Meanwhile, Hekr Inc. nor the validity of the information technology and software licensing involved, accuracy, correctness, reliability, quality, stability, integrity and timeliness of making any commitments and guarantees.
Hekr Inc. is not on the telecommunications system or mobile phone network interruption or not functioning, technical failures, computer error or virus, damaged or missing information, or other damage to any other property in Wisen beyond the reasonable control of the reasons Inc. produced and liability to you or any third party.
Involves the use of licensed software to wireless network services, will be affected by instability in all aspects, including, but not limited to, force majeure, hacker attacks, system instability, your location, your Apple terminal is turned off, as well as illegal content other causes of any network, technology, communication lines, information security management practices resulting in license software does not work properly, you agree to bear more risk, Hekr Inc. does not assume any responsibility.
In any case, since you arising out of or relating thereto any personal injury or any incidental, special, indirect or consequential damages, including but not limited to, lost profits, loss of information due to any of the following circumstances, damages for business interruption or any other commercial damages or losses, for whatever cause, regardless of whether it knew Hekr Inc. losses may occur, Hekr Inc. does not bear any responsibility are:
The use of or inability to use the Licensed Software;
The use of licensed software or change your data to third parties without the approval;
Loss of licensing fees and software behavior generated;
You misunderstanding of the Licensed Software;
Not due to any reasons Hekr Inc. caused other damage associated with the licensed software.
You agree that, as a result Hekr Inc. reasons, resulting in abnormal interruption licensed software or other technical malfunctions, the maximum amount of compensation that you may not exceed the relevant software available under this Agreement Hekr Inc. has actually received permission to use the total amount of fees.
Any other software by Hekr Inc. or non-authorized Hekr Inc. developed and released by the licensed software derived from unlawful, download, install, use of such software may cause unpredictable risks, all legal liability arising nothing to do with the dispute Hekr Inc., Hekr Inc. and the right to suspend, terminate the license and / or all other services.
By licensing the software you among the other users with the licensed software, because you misled or deceived or any psychological harm caused and the economic loss that may result from physiological, shall bear all responsibility for the innocent party according to the law, Yigai unrelated Hekr Inc. .
Intellectual property
Hekr Inc. has licensed software copyrights, trade secrets and other intellectual property, including documentation and licensed software related.
Logo License related software are Hekr Inc. and its affiliates' intellectual property and the protection of the relevant laws and regulations being. Without the express authorization of Hekr Inc. You may not copy, imitate, use or release of the label, and shall not modify or delete applications embodied in any logo or identity Hekr Inc. and its related company.
Hekr Inc. and its affiliates without the prior written consent, you may not for any profit or non-profit purposes on their own implementation, use, transfer or permit any third party to implement, use, transfer these intellectual property rights.
Termination and breach of contract
If you violate any of the terms of this Agreement, this Agreement shall automatically terminate, Hekr Inc. without notice to you.
You breach the terms of the relevant provisions Hekr Inc. or its affiliates sites, protocols, rules, circulars, etc., and are any of these sites provide termination services, Hekr Inc. has the right to terminate this agreement.
Upon termination of this Agreement, you shall cease all use of the Licensed Software and destroy all copies of the Licensed Software.
If you violate any provision of this Agreement, causing losses to Hekr Inc. or other users, you must assume all liability. As Hekr Inc. assume these responsibilities, you agree to indemnify Hekr Inc. related expenses and losses, including reasonable attorneys' fees.
Governing Law and Severability
The effectiveness of this Agreement, explain, change, implementation and dispute settlement are applicable legal People's Republic of China, in the absence of relevant laws and regulations, reference should be universal international business practices and (or) industry practice.
For any dispute arising from this Agreement, you should Hekr Inc. to be settled amicably; can not ultimately be resolved by negotiation, shall Hekr Inc. People's Court has jurisdiction over the location of the draw verdict.
Any provision of this Agreement is the people's court has jurisdiction to be invalid, the other provisions shall not affect the validity or any part of, you should still be in good faith with the Hekr Inc. fulfilled.
Hekr Inc. is entitled to the rights and obligations under this Agreement to a third party without your consent.
Prior to this agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties relating to the use of licensed software license and supersedes all related to this understanding.
Any amendment to this Agreement shall be in writing, and was unanimously agree that you and Hekr Inc.'s.
All titles in this Agreement are solely for eye-catching and easy to read, and there is no real meaning in itself, can not serve as a basis to explain the meaning of this agreement.